Sunday 12 July 2015

Good Doco to watch

Thumbnails - Colours of Australia Postcard

Here are some of my thumbnail ideas for the Colours of Australia Postcard. My colour scheme for the postcards are the National Australian Colours which can be found on the Australian Government Site. These colours consist of the following Blue, Red, Green, Yellow & White. With my design ideas I have tried to keep the feel of Australia by using either imagery or type to draw the attention of the consumer.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

AGideas 2016 Flyer Concepts

Ok so I'm down to these three concepts for the cover of my AGideas 2016 Flyer. I wanted to be bold yet readable and inciting the viewers closer by using different size fonts I also wanted to use a Black,Red,White scheme due to the Agideas logo and some background viewing of Harry Pearce's design work. I kind of like all three so feedback on my concepts is greatly appreciated.

How Many Logos can you count???? Plus have a laugh :)

English Version ^^

AGideas 2016 Flier - Thumbnails ideas

Below I have posted some of the ideas (thumbnails) that I'm thinking of using for the 2016 AGideas Flier. At the start I just wanted to think outside the box thou at the same time having legibility and eager eye to read factor. After taking this into account I also wanted to give it a feel of the designer who will be speaking at the forum " Harry Pearce " so I looked for simplistic and in your face idea focusing on Typeface, Goethe color theory and Negative space ( White Space ). There are three I like but please comment and give feedback let me know what you think??

Agideas 2016 Flier & Colour Postcard

Today I embark on the design of a flier for the 2016 Agideas Design forum being held in Melbourne next year and to design a Postcard with the idea in mind of colours of Australia. This is part of the course I 'm undertaking "Graphic Art & Pre Press". Over the next few weeks I will upload and show my stages of completion for the Agideas Flier and the Colour Postcard. All comments and feedback are welcome so please feel free to ask questions or gives some feedback.

coming soon.


Helvetica well what can I say..