Saturday 7 March 2015

Welcome & Hello

Welcome to my blog. My names Justin Prewer, I am freelance artist residing out of Launceston, Tasmania. I am currently Studying Graphic Design & Pre Press via Tafe Tasmania and on this journey of 9 months or so you will be able to see my ideas, inspiration and of course my art work via GRAPIX&DSIGN. I’ll leave you with a little inspiration I keep in the back of my mind every day.

When we creativity express our self.We ultimately convert our life’s into art. And capitulating events that makes us who we are, Through what we do. From our experiences and perception we draw inspiration. The processor to all ideas.
So if we manipulate our surroundings we can inevitably broaden our minds to fresh prospective. Its a liberating concept which encourages exploration outside of our own comfit zones. How we uniquely influence them on these journeys is the exciting unknown.Enlightening moments when embraced ultimately become contributing factors towards artistic expression.